86 - We're All In This Together

With an official lockdown/quarantine/stay-the-eff-home order in place, Em gives in to the songs that have been playing on repeat in her head since all this nonsense began. Since we're all in this together, it's time to get your head in the game and finally watch all the High School Musical movies for no reason other than you're stuck inside trying to do your part to flatten the curve.

With an official lockdown/quarantine/stay-the-eff-home order in place, Em gives in to the songs that have been playing on repeat in her head since all this nonsense began. Since we're all in this together, it's time to get your head in the game and finally watch all the High School Musical movies for no reason other than you're stuck inside trying to do your part to flatten the curve.


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Cover image by our silent, smart (and don't forget sexy) producer, Jeremy Jeziorski. Prints of many of his photos are available over at the print store.

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