80 - The Endless Loop

Emily didn't necessarily WANT to do this episode. She didn't WANT to have spent way too much time analyze a 30 second TV spot, formulating multiple theories, hashing out her hopes and dreams, and finding coordinating fanfic about it. But she did. She did that for you. (And, let's be real.

Emily didn't necessarily WANT to do this episode. She didn't WANT to have spent way too much time analyze a 30 second TV spot, formulating multiple theories, hashing out her hopes and dreams, and finding coordinating fanfic about it. But she did. She did that for you. (And, let's be real. She did that for herself because that's entirely her MO and like, the whole point of this podcast).


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Cover image by our silent, smart (and don't forget sexy) producer, Jeremy Jeziorski. Prints of many of his photos are available over at the print store.

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