Episode 14 - Cringe Binge, Vol. III

How tall are dwarves supposed to be? Are they comparable to hobbits? And how do humans figure into this equation? A lot of questions get asked, very few get answered or, honestly, even merit a response. Otherwise known as the week that Emily read something from a fandom she did not understand and refused to ask for help.

How tall are dwarves supposed to be? Are they comparable to hobbits? And how do humans figure into this equation? A lot of questions get asked, very few get answered or, honestly, even merit a response. Otherwise known as the week that Emily read something from a fandom she did not understand and refused to ask for help. Also, there's some talk about the now infamous Batman peen. Because of course there is.

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Cover image by our silent, smart (and don't forget sexy) producer, Jeremy Jeziorski. Prints are available over at the print store.

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