166 - Hawkins, IN: Home of the Sexuals
Mia returns for our first episode on opposite coasts (Omigod, guys. THE SADNESS.) to talk about some new MCU disappointment, history of the AIDS crisis, and Emily's new obsession: Stranger Things. Specifically how Stranger Things is getting their depiction of teenaged homosexuality in 1986 sadly, truly, right. Join us for some good ol' fashioned salt mining, giggling about the shared braincell of Steve and Robin's epic friendship, and a long and winding list of all the reasons Will Byers is too good for the world he inhabits.
Book Rec: All the Young Men by Ruth Coker Burks
How your heart beats when you run for cover by fragilethings
i need you closer, and you're not even an inch away by esperastra
Video Killed the Radio Star by DiscoSuperFly
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Cover image by our silent, smart (and don't forget sexy) producer, Jeremy Jeziorski.
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